I have a tale for you today, full of juicy morsels and tidbits, but before I get onto that I would just like to do a couple of shout outs.
This year was my first LOL day as a blogger. Before I started my blog I was a serial lurker.
I had so much fun dropping in on friends and saying hello and meeting new friends and received such lovely comments. I tried to visit as many blogs as I could and apologise if I inadvertently missed you.
A huge thank you to all of you who left me a comment. It truly was heart warming and gratifying to know that people actually enjoy what I write. I was most amazed to discover that some of what I write is helpful to some of you.
I write here mainly to process my own thoughts and feelings as I negotiate this incredibly tricky journey we call ttwd. So to discover my ramblings are enjoyed by, and maybe even helpful to others is a real boost to me.
LOL day reinforced for me just what an awesome, friendly, welcoming and supportive community we have. It has also been pointed out to me that it doesn't just have to last for one day. So true!
My sincere thank you to the wonderful Bonnie for organising this event.
Lillie's Back
In case you didn't already know Lillie has a new blog. You can find the link here http://atianandlilliesplace.blogspot.co.nz/
Welcome back Lillie! It's so great to see you back, we missed you!
If, by some chance, you don't know Lillie (where have you been?) I would urge you to pop over, pay Ian and Lillie a visit and say hello.
Last week Rick and I discovered an issue with his cell phone. For some reason he wasn't receiving any of my text messages. We later discovered he wasn't receiving texts sent from anybody else either. As some of you may know, we spend a fair bit of time apart so text rules are pretty big around here. Therefore, as you can imagine Rick was highly unimpressed with this turn of events and keen to get to get the issued resolved quickly.
Off to our telecommunications provider we went. When we have had similar problems in the past it has taken several visits to the store plus several phone calls to the help desk to finally get the issued resolved. With that in mind, keen to get the problem properly resolved the first time, I entered the store with Rick - and so did Scrappy! Oh yeah, Scrappy was poised for action, just in case he was needed. It turned out he wasn't needed, but I totally took over from Rick. I did all the talking - Oops! I got 'the look' a few times.
After some mucking around and a call to the help desk the kind man in the store informed us there was a corrupt text that had been causing a 'blockage' to any other text messages being delivered. He assured us the help desk had removed the offending text and that the problem should now be resolved.
We left feeling somewhat relieved the problem had been fixed and I didn't really think much more about it. We decided we better test it out. I sent him a couple of text to test the theory and, you guessed it, he didn't receive them.
Rick then phoned the help desk himself and was informed there was a corrupt text blocking all the others from being delivered. Can you guess who the corrupt text was from? Yup, me!! Worse, they told him they had to transfer him to the 'complex team' to resolve the issue!
OMG, at that point it suddenly dawned on me that these people would be able to read our text to each other. Then I started to think OMG, what tasty morsels will they see? Things like:
I want you to xyz
Yes sir
It is still a rule break and you will be spanked - (yikes!)
Am I really going to be spanked?
Can I be excused from doing xyz
No you cannot be excused. I don't see any reason why you shouldn't be able to make it
Can I please have permission for xyz
Bed time now please. (um, yes well, you've all read about THAT particular rule!)
Suddenly I had visions of all the help desk staff huddled together reading our text messages and having a good laugh. I felt so embarrassed and thankful we were dealing with them over the phone and not face to face!
Logic tells me there is probably some 'rule' (did I just say that!) that prohibits them from doing so but c'mon, if it were you and some tasty morsels like those above caught you eye wouldn't you? I'm pretty sure I would!
I have never heard of this problem occurring with texting before so beware. Apparently it happens. Perhaps we need to devise a code for text messages.