Sunday, 1 March 2015

100,100 ... and some spanking too :)

Hi all, I hope all our friends in the Northern hemisphere are staying safe and warm!

My dashboard told me last night that my little corner of blogland has reached 100,100 views. Wow! I thought that was such a cool number I just wanted to share. It's small compared to some blogs, but it's big to me:)

When I started this blog I had no idea how far I would go with it, how long I would keep posting and whether anybody would be interesting in reading. I have been amazed at the encouragement and support I have found in this community and the wonderful friendships I have made here. I want to offer my sincere thanks from the bottom of my heart. Your encouragement, comments and advice, both on and off blog have helped Rick and I negotiate our relationship and what DD/ttwd means for us more than I can say.

As you know, we haven't been practicing DD for quite some time now and ttwd has been pretty much non-existent too. I mentioned in my previous post that we had played for the first time in ages.

We are getting to the point where we both desire to bring back some elements of ttwd. It's a matter of how to go about it. I'm glad to say since my last post, we have played again, on a minor scale. Minus clothes pegs I might add! Rick seems to be becoming spank happy again!

Then there was today. We were standing together kissing and cuddling and all of sudden I felt Rick's hand fisting my hair. This progressed to pulling my hair and me ending up on my knees at his feet. He kept me there for a moment stroking my hair and talking to me then pulled me up again.

Next thing I know he had unzipped my jeans and is leading me to the couch and over his knee. He talked as he spanked. Telling me how he enjoys hearing my breathing quicken, my moans and ouches and watching my bottom turn pink. He even had the nerve to laugh as he spanked at one point. Humph!

We had to leave to be somewhere so the spanking was short. After he was finished he said I needed that, and so did you. Hmm, maybe he was right:)

On a side note have you seen 'the dress' on the Internet and the debate over whether it is blue and black or white and gold? Rick and I were debating this prior to the spanking.  I definitely see it as blue and black whereas Rick sees white and gold in some of the pictures and blue and black in others. Anyway, while he was spanking at one point he made a comment about how nice and pink my bottom had become. I was so tempted to ask if he was sure it was pink, not some other colour. I decided biting my lip was a better option!

On a final note, it's now the 2nd of March (here) which must mean Q&A month in blogland.


  1. Hi Roz,

    Congratulations all around for your recent blogging milestone and for reigniting the passion at home. There's just no substitute for a good spanking!

    I see the dress both ways at different times. :)


    1. Hi Bonnie, it's great to see you :) Thank you for your lovely comment. You're right, there's no substitute and it did feel good to play again :) not sure I'm convinced it's the same dress lol.


  2. This is a wonderful post Roz! I'm happy to know Rick has obviously been thinking about TTWD too. I really hope it does work its way back into your life. I've see pictures of the actual dress. I admit it's blue and black - but that first picture that was posted was clearly white and gold!

    1. Hi PK, thank you so much for your lovely words. It feels great to play again :) I hope too that we will slowly bring some elements of ttwd back. Time will tell I guess.

      Interesting about the dress. As I said to Bonnie, not sure I'm convinced it's the same dress.


  3. Hi Roz, congratulations on so many views. For me this sounds a lot too, I think I have barely reached half of yours. :) I am so glad that Rick and you are on the same page and both of you want ttwd back one way or the other. It seems both of you have been missing this very much, and I am sure it will be wonderful for you, because you will do it the way both of you feel most comfortable with it. I love that (and I am pretty curious how you go on). The dress is tricky. I have seen pictures where I thought gold and white and then again blue and black. So, dunno about that one. But maybe it was very wise not to let Rick check whether the colour was really pink. :)



    1. Hi Nina, thank you for your lovely words :) I really hope we do bring back some elements of ttwd, but we see I guess. It does feel good to start playing again :)

      Every picture I have seen of the dress to me it's blue but some pics are darker blue and others light blue to me. Strange.


  4. Congrats on the stats, definitely worth celebrating with a spanking lol

    Its good to hear your both back at it, long may it continue, sometimes it can be difficult to get back into sync. i found it hard myself these last few months.

    Oh the dress, debate...its gold and white, but my son sees blue and black! whatever its an ugly dress lol


    1. Hi Tori, thank you :) I guess we can call it a cekebratory spanking lol. We do both want some elements of ttwd back, the problem is how to go about it. Time will tell but it's great to be playing again :)

      I definitely see the dress as blue and black too, though dark blue in some pics and light blue in others. Strange. Funny, I didn't think the dress itself is too bad lol


  5. Hi Roz, nice stats! I hope you and Rick find your way back into ttwd , sounds like a nice spanking. My hubby often chuckles to himself as I am wiggling about! I think the dress is ugly, I see it as pale blue and gold, revolting thing anyway
    love Jan,xx

    1. Hi Jan, thank you :) Yes it was definitely fun. Shame we didn't have more time :) I hope we do bring back some elements of ttwd. Time will tell but it's great to play again :)

      Funny how we all see the dress differently. To me it's blue and black but dark blue in some pics and light blue in others. As I said to Tori, I didn't think the dress itself was too bad lol


  6. I'm so glad you're both back to having some fun with TTWD or whatever it is to you. It does sound as if you are both ready to get back there, not one sided at all.
    I think all colours are affected by the light in which we look at them and how our eyes absorb that light so it will look different to all.

    1. Hi Janey, thank you :) we do both want some elements of ttwd back. It's just figuring out how to go about it. In the meantime it feels good to play again :)

      Good point about the dress. It's funny how we all see it differently.


  7. Congratulations Roz, hope you'll be able to keep blogging about your TTWD experiences for a long time to come.

    As for the dress. If I tilt my laptop screen forward, it is gold and white, backwards it goes blue and black. It's the light which changes it I think.

    1. Hi DF, thank you :) Hopefully we will bring some elements of ttwd back. It's figuring out how. It does feel good to play again though. I've missed the dominance.

      Interesting that you see the dress both ways. To me it's blue and black every time, though dark blue in some pics and light blue in others.


  8. Congrats on your views!! And your playtime:)

  9. That's an awesome number!

    While I do agree with tori that the dress is quite ugly, it's definitely blue and black! Lol. Though it is probably safest no to make such disagreements while bent over a knee...

    1. Thanks Lil :) It's blue and black to me too. After debating the dress when Rick commented on my nice pink butt I was itching to ask him if he was sure it was pink, but thought better of it since I was still over his knee! Definitely wouldn't have been a wise move! LoL


  10. Congratulations on your 100,000 posts. It's always so nice to see your blog name pop up on my roll. Glad you and Rick are back to getting your 'spank' on.

    Happy Day.

    1. Thank you so much Sunny, very sweet of you :) Made me smile :)


  11. I'm so happy about your playtime.

    1. Thank you so much HS. I hope there will be plenty more playtimes! LoL. I hope we do bring back some elements of ttwd, but it feels good to play again in the meantime.


  12. Congrats on your 100,100 posts. It was great to see you had posted again. I'm glad you and Rick are doing what works well for you.

    1. Hi Amyee, thank you so much :) Do you have a blog? If so would you mind either emailing the link to me or leave me a comment with the link.


  13. Congratulations Roz. I'll echo Leigh Smith's comment and say I always get excited when I see a new post from you pop up on my Blogroll. So happy to hear express the thrill of being forced to your knees at his feet, then pulled over his knee. Sounds yummy. Even if that is only a tiny amount of momentum, use it and run with it.

    Good Luck!

    1. Hi sub hub, thank you so much for your lovely comment :) sorry I am so late in replying.

      It was yummy :) and so good to play again. We have played a few times since and there have been small moments of dominance. We will see where it takes us:)


  14. Yay you on so many levels!

    I for one am so happy that you didn't disappear when things in your neck of the woods paused. So many great bloggers have disappeared, and I am glad that you were never included in that list. Ttwd is difficult to maneuver for many and you have never shyed away from that fact Roz. You have always been open and honest, as well as supportive to so many here. Blogland would not be the same without you!

    I hope the two of you get your groove back on. It is nice to hear when THEY say they need it too, isn't it?

    Good luck to you both!

    Much love

    1. Hi Willie my friend. Sorry I am so late in replying.

      Thank you so much for your lovely words and for your support and being there for me and helping me work through things in my head.

      It certainly was a long pause! LoL. Ttwd is difficult and it's not the first time we have has a pause.

      As I said above, we have got to the point that we both want elements of ttwd back. The problem is how to go about it. I don't think we will return to DD, but we will see where things go. At the moment we are pretty much back where we first started.

      It is so great to be playing again. We have played a few more times since this post :)

      Love and hugs

  15. Hey Roz,

    Congratulations. It was great to see your name pop up. A happy read.

    The dress to me was blue and black.


    1. Hi Ronnie, thank you so much :) sorry I am so late in replying. We have played a few more times since this post :) we are taking things slowly and will see where it takes us.


  16. I saw the white and weird.
    I have such a smile on my face for you......sometimes our Masters, Sirs, HOH's...need to know that we need Him to step encourage them....
    That hair pulling..i am not fond of it...but it is instant submission state...
    You discover a magic lantern, and a genie are granted 3 least one of them has to be kink related...
    hugs abby

    1. Hi Abby, sorry I am so late in replying. Thank you so much :) Rick saw white and gold too but I saw blue and black.

      I love the hair pulling ... as long as it's not too harsh lol and yes, it brings about instant submission.

      Thank you for your question. Hmm, I have to ponder that. I plan to answer questions in a separate post.


  17. Oh! Oh! I'm so happy to see you post! Congratulations on your numbers! Lucky girl! Glad to see you guys had some spanking action! Happy action!

    As to the dress.... I'm glad I saw it for the correct color combo! Lolol!!

    1. Aww, thank you so much Minelle :) I'm sorry I am so late in replying. There has been more spanky fun since this post:) I guess we will see where it takes us.

      LoL re the dress. Me too:)


  18. Congratulations on your views Roz! Was so happy to see this post on my Reading List.

    I am sure you two are going to find a way to define what you want your relationship to be going forward.

    Not even going to comment on the blasted dress...people are getting so ridiculous about it...actually coming to blows! Seriously? Sheesh!

    For your question...where would you like to see your relationship with Rick go? (e.g., DD, TTWD, D/s, just spanky fun, etc.)

    Hugs and Blessings...

    1. Thank you so much Cat :) sorry I am so late in replying. We both want to bring back some elements of ttwd. The problem is how to go about it, and trying to figure out how we want it to look going forward. We have played a few more times since this post and it feels great to be slowly bringing some fun back:)

      Thank you for your question. I plan on answering questions in an upcoming posts.


  19. Hi Roz,

    Congratulations on all those hits! Maybe Rick would consider surpassing that number in your next spanking.


    1. Hi Hermoine, thank you :) sorry I am so late in replying. Oh goodness, not sure I would want Rick to surpassing the number of blog hits in one spanking lol


  20. You see, I go away for a while and everything changes. I am so happy to see you back here blogging, Roz. And very happy, too, that a little bit of spanking is coming back into your relationship. The spanking you describe is my very favourite type. It gets me all aquiver!

    Wow - that is certainly a lot of views! It's something I never even thought about, hopeless and scatty individual that I am, but that seems a great number to me.

    Funny you remarked about the dress. I saw it as blue and black (although mostly a lighter shade of blue), and Dan saw it as white and gold. Spooky!

    Many hugs

    1. Hi Ami, thank you so much :) I am sorry I am so late in replying.

      It feels so good to be getting back to some spanky fun, and there has been some more since this post. All of the fun kind:) We are trying to work out where we want to go from here. I doubt we will get back to DD as before, but we will see.

      You and Dan saw the dress the same way Rick and I did. That is spooky lol. I was so thrilled to read the good news on Dan's test results :)


  21. No havent seen that dress. Yes it is the second of March. Glad you got in some more play time.

    1. Hi AB, thank you :) sorry I am so late in replying. It feels good to be getting back to some play :)

      I can't believe all the fuss on the Internet over the dress. I'm enjoying March Q&A month in blogland.


  22. Hi there Roz! :) Whoa!!! That's a lot of views!! Many congrats on that very cool number!! 100,100 sounds very lucky indeed! Certainly there is something in the air, as your fella has gotten back to it a bit! I am so SO glad for you!! And I too have missed your posts, though it is always nice to see you around the land as we do. Your kind and thoughtful comments are always appreciated. And it is VERY fun to jump around the Cluedo board with you too. :) So I am glad to see you posting here.

    I must be in a bubble because I had no idea what you were talking about with the dress. So I googled it and saw blue and black...ish. But I am not sure that I was looking at what I was supposed to be looking at- the originals so... IDK! What I do know is that it was probably a very good idea not to share that all about the colour of your bottom while Rick was spanking away. LOL! Many hugs,

    <3 Katie

    1. Hi Katie, thank you so much :) Sorry I am so late in replying.

      Well, it feels good to be edging back onto the Cleudo board lol. It is so great to be getting back to some spanky fun.we are trying to work out where we want to go from here. We both definitely want to bring back some elements of ttwd. It's working out how to go about it.

      I give up on the dress lol


  23. Even though I'm late - I'm smiling big for you Roz. :D

    1. Hi Cali, thank you so much :) never too late :) sorry I am so late in replying. It feels good to be getting back to some play again, and there has been some more since this post :)


  24. Hi Roz - talk about a late comment! :-D Congrats on turning 100.1K! That is an AWESOME accomplishment. And congrats on the spanking, too! ;)

    1. Hi DH, it's never too late :) Thank you so much. There has been more spanky fun since too :)


  25. Hi Roz,

    I am a bit late getting to your post. I just wanted to say congrats about the milestone and I am hoping Dd/ttwd comes back for you.


    1. Hi Kathy, thank you so much :) I hope so too,. We both want to bring back some elements of ttwd. It's a matter of how to go about it. It feels good to be playing again in the meantime :)


  26. Congratulations on all the views :-) I am very happy you both have had the chance to play some more...hope you keep on playing (without the clothes pegs is a good idea) :-) Hugs

    1. Hi Terps, thank you so much :) I'm sorry I am so late in replying. We have played some more since, minus the clothes pegs :)


  27. I'm so happy for you my friend. Miss our chats!


    1. Hi P, I'm so happy to see you here! I miss your blog and seeing your comments in blogland. I miss our chats too and really must get my technology sorted!

      Thank you so much. It does feel good to be playing again :)


  28. Hi Roz, just making some rounds here and finally trying to get caught up with everyone in blogland. :) I so absolutely love those moments when I suddenly feel His hands in my hair and I'm then on my knees as you explained here.

    Congrats on the great number! That is always such a great feeling. :)


    1. Hi Amber, thank you so much :) I'm sorry I am so late in replying.

      I love those moments and it feels great to be playing again. Where it will go from here I guess we will see.

      I've been having trouble with your blog since you changed it. Can't figure out how to comment lol. Can you please email me at


  29. As I re-read here I am not sure how my comment didn't post before??

    Anyway- My Man sees a black and blue dress just like you- crazy to me by the way because all I saw was brown and white/blue. =)

    Now to the fun part- I love that as you are bringing spanking back in he even stated that you both needed that! How true, I am sure, and how good to hear that.

    Post more Roz.....I am loving reading back through your old posts!!
    XOXO Pearl

    1. Hi Pearl, thank you so much for your lovely comment. I'm sorry I am so late in replying.

      It does feel good to be playing again. I'm not sure where we will go from here. I guess we will see.

      Aww thanks for your last comment. I must get my technology sorted and will then be able to post more.


  30. Roz,

    Please accept my apologies for being so late.
    100,100 is a fantastic number and this corner of Blogland is sure happy to have you. Thank-you so much for all your support.
    Adding ttwd back...sometimes I think we can get lost in both the big picture and the small details and it can be hard to find the balance.
    What's important to both of you?

    Re-reading your last line, I wasn't sure if that meant you were open to questions?And I agree with the above comments, post more!

  31. Hi Bleuame, thank you so much for your lovely comment :) never too late, I always love hearing from you :) I'm sorryI am so late in replying.

    You are right, it is easy to get lost in the detail and finding that right balance is hard. We have played more since and it feels great. Whether we will extend beyond play again I don't know. I guess time will tell. It's dominance in general, outside of the bedroom as well as in it that I crave.


  32. Woot-- congrats on the page hits!! I nominated you for A Real Neat Blog Award:

    1. Hi Renee, Thank you :) Thank you so much for the nomination, I really appreciate it. Unfortunately, I'm still having tech issues with blogging and don't know I will get to post.


  33. Nice to see you guys are getting back into swings, lol. But seriously, I think this is the best way to do it, no pressure since there was already nothing anyway and that was okay, and now you can both focus on what you both want and need from this.

    And I just nominated you for an award!

    1. Hi Julia, thank you so muc :) LoL, it feels good to be getting back into the swing of things. I agree, it is the best way to ease back in and slowly work out where we want to go from there.

      Thank you so much for the nomination. As I said to Renee, unfortunately I am still having tech issues with posting so I'm not sureI will get to post.


  34. Roz, 100,100 is a lot of views! Congrats.
    Hoping you don't mind a little lurker love, but I came out of hiding for your post seemed to fit right into where I am too.
    Being victim to the slumps or pauses around here ourselves and it's great to read about you getting back into some things and trying to figure out where it will go.
    I do like reading your blog and I hope to read more about how everything goes.
    Oh and that dress.. AH, that took up the internet for days! I saw it white and gold here. My husband saw it blue and black.

    1. Hi Effie! I'm so glad you delurked and commented. Thank you so much and welcome :)

      There does seem to be a real ebb and flow to ttwd. We called a halt to Dd quite some time ago now and that translated to no play either for some reason.

      It feels great to be playing again. In some ways it feels like we are back where we originally bega. I think starting with play and taking things slowly and letting it evolve is the best approach. I'm not sure where this will take us, but I doubt we will get back to Dd as before.

      I really hope you are able to find your way back to where you want to be.

      Thanks again for delurking. I really appreciate it :)


  35. Hi Roz
    Congrats on the number :) you have a hugely wonderful blog and no wonder the number is as it is. I have so missed reading it. But hopefully, fingers crossed, I may be back for a while in blogland....while Im not working anyways.
    Have missed you
    Kiwigirliegirl xxxx
