Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Tuesday Tidbits

Just a few early week tidbits for you.

Things have been going well in Rick and Roz land lately.  Dd has been present but there hasn't been much happening, because there hasn't had to be seeing as I'm such an angel.  Things have been smooth sailing.  No spanking here.  Nope.

Oh wait - there was one little spanking Friday night.  It was short, sharp and to the point.  (I'm only telling you this because Wilma will tattle on me if I don't!  Besides, lying isn't allowed :)

I'm afraid Scrappy resurfaced on Friday.  Yep, I was tired and therefore grumpy and I got my Scrappy on.  Not in a big way, but enough to agitate the Boss.  On top of that, I took my seat belt off before he had stopped the car for the umpteenth time.  Honestly, this is something he has become serious about recently and he has given me a few warnings.  It's a bad habit.  I mean, we're always actually parked before I take it off, he just hasn't turned the engine off yet - sheesh!  Yeah, I know - that's not the point.

Anyway, within about 5 minutes of getting home Rick grabbed my arm, walked over to the couch and without a word pulled me over his lap.  It took me by complete surprise.  When I told him so afterwards his only response was "good" (big meanie!).

Before he started spanking he told me we had spoken several times about the seat belt issue and that hopefully this will remind me.  He also said "and keep Scrappy at bay" - Grrr - the nerve!

Blog Land Candy Store

This week we celebrate the grand opening of our very own Blog Land Candy Store!  Stocked full with an international range of candies and chocolates.  Hooray!

You don't want to miss it.  Besides, who can't do with some candy?  It's not too late to join the opening celebrations.  I hear they have lots of good opening specials.  Oh, while you're there, make sure you also check out the other merchandise on offer :)  Before you ask - NO, this doesn't include implements!

Congratulations and many thanks to our beloved store owner Wilma Rubble!

Grace's Blog

In case you weren't already aware, Grace has a new blog and a groovy new look - new URL and  blog name.

If you have done so already, pop on over and say hi - with me - without me

Work/Dd Comparison

Yesterday I was sitting in a meeting bored out of my brains and couldn't help but think how much my work life sometimes reminds me of my Dd life.

Every year or so we complete a staff engagement survey.  This is to see how engaged we are with the organisation.  How much of an affiliation we have for the place, whether we are 'on board' with the direction the organisation is taking etc.  Once the survey is completed, the results are poured over and action plans (another buzz word) are made to make some changes to help us all feel more engaged.

Is it just me or does this sound like role affirmation/maintenance to anyone?

There are other ways in which my work reminds me of my Dd relationship as well. For example, we have staff processes one must follow to the letter.  Rules if you like. If, for any reason you should want to act outside of those rules, there is a process to follow, which includes obtaining permission from those who made the rules.  We are also all about 'consistency' in how we treat our customers.

Hmm, I don't know if I really want to think about this too much!

HoH'ing the HoH

Today Rick had his ears suctioned.  Ewe I know, and you're probably also thinking that's a bit TMI but bear with me people.

This is something he unfortunately has to have done on a semi regular basis.  He always goes back to the same place, the same technician attends to him and he always leaves it too late between visits.

He came back from the appointment today firstly complaining about the level of noise (give me strength!)  He then said he got a right telling off from the technician from leaving it too long between visits.  She very firmly said "didn't I tell you that you should come back every 6 months?"  ... um, yes Ma'am.  Apparently the lecture continued a little beyond that and then we he left she said in a very authoritative tone "I will see you in 6 months".

I just couldn't help laughing when he told me this.  Boy, I'd love to have been a fly on the wall!!

That's all the tidbits I have for you for now.  Have great rest of the week everyone!


  1. Lo Roz, I really hope R/a and maintanance at work doesn't mean a sore bum for the employees ;)

    So how did Rick react to being told off? My hubs would have been fuming, he hates anyone lecturing him :(

    So you let scrappy out again, you really need a cage for that little guy lol ( yeah I know, who am I to talk :)

    1. Hi Missy, LoL, perish the thought of any spanking at work. I don't want to even think about it!

      Rick actually thought it was quite funny. He saw the irony in the situation. I couldn't stop laughing when he told me and wish I had been there!

      Sigh, Wilma keeps telling me to keep Scrappy outside, but alas, he makes in into the house occasionally.


  2. I so NOT would have told on you !. Besides you shared that TID bit with me during candy overload...I forgot...tee hee!

    Thanks for the shout out! You are so sweet<- Gah, why does that saying get to me now too?

    Now back to your post...you better keep Scrappy out back because Rick can really hear 'her' bark now that his ears are clean! LMBO!

    Love ya!

    1. Hey Willie, I know you would never really have told on me, it's against the Dd wives code LoL. You are welcome for the shout out. Thank you for all the hard work you put into the candy store :)

      OMG - ROFLMAO. You know, for some stupid reason I didn't even think about that! Actually, I think I have noticed a difference in his ability to hear my sassy mutterings! Grrr

      Love ya back!

  3. I liked your tidbits Scrappy!

    That seatbelt, coming in the door, getting immediately and surprisingly walloped hit a little close to home. Just sayin'.

    Are you going to take to mumbling under your breath for a few months while Rick is hearing well? ;)

    1. Hi Susie, I tell ya, he is getting hot on that one! Sigh, it's not like we are moving when I undo it, but I guess that's not the point.

      LoL, fortunately, it will probably only be for a few months. Not sure I'll chance it though - he may still hear!


  4. Hey Roz...The technician 'telling' Rick off for not following directions has me cracking up. Maybe he needs a spanking for not following the rules? ROFL

    Ooh...with his hearing sharpened, he can now hear even the teeniest growl...better put Scrappy outside. ;)


    1. Hi Cat, I couldn't stop laughing when he told me and so wished I'd been there! Does he need a spanking? of course, I couldn't possibly comment:)

      Sigh, you are right, I'm going to have to be careful. As I said to Willie, the stupid thing is that I hadn't even thought about that! LoL


  5. I think a lot of your colleagues would prefer a spanking above all those boring meetings.

    1. Hi Bas, it's great to see you commenting again.

      I think you may be right. At least the spanking would be over with quicker than those darn action planning meetings!


  6. I agree with Bas. Love the other snippets. Have a great day.

    1. Hi Sunny, Glad you enjoyed these :)

      I am late to getting to my replies, so have a wonderful weekend :)


  7. Hmm..hearing is better...might not be good news for you!
    hugs abby

    1. Hi Abby, LoL, you are so right! As I said to the others, I don't know how in the world I didn't even think about that!


  8. LOVE IT! "because Wilma will tattle on me if I don't!" I don't see that in her, but I'll trust you. ;) Yeah, it would have been interesting seeing a woman be able to boss the husband around, eh? ;)

    1. Hi Es May, I'm glad you enjoyed these :) You are right of course, i know Willie would never had really tattled on me. She is such a sweetie. Besides, it's against the Dd wives code I think LoL

      I tell you, I so wish I had been there with him. Then again, I would probably not have been able to control myself from laughing and would have then probably ended up in trouble LoL


  9. I thought there was some kind of unspoken rule in this community about not telling on others. Or at least there should be. Shouldn't there? Anyway watch what you say under your breath for awhile, it probably won't go unnoticed as much as it might have before.

    1. Hi Jacquie, I agree. I think it's against some unspoken about Dd wives code LoL.
      I am going to have to be extra careful now. I can't believe I didn't even think about that!


  10. Oh gosh, how good is it to think of a HoH getting told off? lol, love janxx

    1. Hi Jan, it's always a good fantasy isn't it? LoL


  11. We too have those employee surveys and I so would take a spanking over sitting in those meetings analysing the data and what to do with it. Take scrappy on a holiday for a bit until HoH ears get clogged again.

    1. Hi Cathie, you too huh - aren't they such a drag? Especially the aftermath!

      We actually made a pact to cheat on the damn thing once to reduce the amount of pain (no pun intended LoL) we would have to go through and scored everything high. It worked, no actin planning, and the bosses though we were a wonderful engaged team LoL.

      I tell you, that Scrappy does spell trouble for me at times! Stupid thing is that I never even thought about the consequences of him getting his ears done at the time LoL


  12. Sitting in silly meetings and following rules??? I definitely think many of your co-workers would rather be spanked! Who wouldn't!
    Sounds like things are good.

    1. Hi Minelle, I'm glad you dropped by and hope your husband's recovery is going well.

      I suspect you may be right. Those meetings can be a real nightmare, and last longer than a spanking too! LoL


  13. Love all the tidbits and catching up. It is fun to think about HOH lectures isn't it?

    1. Hi Zoe, I'm glad you enjoyed these :) It is soo much fun to think of the show being on the other foot sometimes isn't it? LoL


  14. First of all, thanks so much for the link! :) Slowly but surely my friends in blogland are finding me. Thanks for helping get the word out! :)

    Him taking you by surprise and being quite pleased with himself about it sounds awfully familiar for some reason...can't imagine why. (big meanies these HOHs are!)

    Don't think about how work is similar in some ways to DD, I'm sure it must not be healthy. ;)

    Speaking of not healthy, I have yet to visit this candy store, so thanks for the reminder.

    And last but not least, how funny about your HOH being HOH'd! Too bad you weren't there to witness it yourself. lol

    1. Hi Grace, you're welcome! I'm glad everyone seems to be finding you in your new home.

      LoL, they do seem to like the surprise spankings don't they - hmmph. II couldn't stop laughing when Rick told me, I soo wish I had been there with him!

      I agree, it doesn't really pay to over think the work/Dd thing LoL


  15. Oh Roz, that seatbelt has gotten me spanked at least twice not sure why it is hard to remember. My bad habit is waiting until the stop sign at the entrance to the neighborhood before putting it on. That just happens to be when its remembered.

    My mom will sometimes lecture my Daddy, that's always good for a laugh too.

    1. Hi Dancing, ugh, that seat belt thing - ugh - they sure are hot on that aren't they? Anything to do with safety. Ooh yes, not putting it on before taking off would definitely get me spanked!


  16. Thanks for all the updates, Roz :)

    1. Thanks Lillie, hope you enjoyed them :)


  17. I always thought Scrappy (younger scooby doo) was so cute hehehe

    1. Hi Trazuredpet, I've always loved Scrappy, he is cute :) it's also the nickname hubby uses when I get feisty LoL

