Thursday 19 July 2012

The Benefits of DD

I just love the extra closeness, intimacy and increased communication that DD brings.  Today my darling husband came up to me and said "oh, I have to tell you something". "Oh?" I replied a little warily, wondering what was coming next.  He said, "you walked past me earlier and I was watching you thinking how beautiful you are.  It made me all mushy, I am so proud.  I just had to tell you that"

Awe I hear you say.  Needless to say I melted on the spot.  I don't think the smile has left my face.

We have always been fairly good at communication and sharing feelings but this has certainly increased heaps since we started DD.

Yep, I love the benefits of DD.  True, it's definitely not for sissy's and can be tough going at times (then again, what relationship isn't)?  But the benefits are far worth it.  For us the benefits have been more than either of us imagined.


  1. Hello Roz,

    I like your perspective! You have some neat things to say and a really nice attitude. I'm going to link to you on my blogroll, and I hope I'll be sending visitors over your way soon. Take care, keep up the writing, and best of luck!


    1. Hi Ana,

      Thank you so much for your comment and support and encouragement, it is very much appreciated. I wish you all the best.

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